
FAQs about the day of the exam


Here are the answers to the most common questions we receive about the day of the exam. You can also find answers to commonly asked questions on our other FAQs pages.


Paper A and B exam day

If you sit the exam in a test centre, a white board or paper will be provided that will be handed back to test centre staff and wiped clean or destroyed before you leave the exam. This will be available to all candidates in all test centres. You are not allowed calculators; one is provided on screen along with the on screen scratch pad.

Candidates sitting Papers A and B online may only use the on-screen scratch pad to make notes.
Please arrive a bit before the test centre opening time, ensure you have all your documents ready for the checks. As soon as the doors open the test centre staff will prioritise getting the ID checks completed for your sitting and get the exam started as soon as possible. The exam timer starts at the point your exam is launched, so you will have the correct amount of time in the exam, even if you start after your scheduled time.
Please email examinations@rcpsych.ac.uk within three days of the exam with details of your complaint, we will then investigate the matter and respond to you in due course. 
If you experience technical difficulties either sitting online or in a test centre we will conduct a full investigation to establish the cause of the issue. If it is established that you are not responsible for the issue and if deemed appropriate you will be able to sit the exam at the next available opportunity. We encourage all candidates to sit the exam at a test centre, wherever possible to reduce the likelihood of any technical issues.
Please contact the examinations team via examinations@rcpsych.ac.uk.

If you are sitting in a test centre you may take a break any time during the exam, but the time will continue to count down while you are on a break.

You can also request earplugs at the test centre and  a pen and paper (which must be left at the venue).

This option is available for all candidates but needs to be requested by emailing examinations@rcpsych.ac.uk.

This exam will be organised in three parts.

You may take two breaks, one after part 1 and another after part 2 of the exam, but the time will continue to count down while you are on your break. You must confirm your answers for each part of the exam before leaving it and will not be able to go back to review them at the end of the exam. 

General exam day questions

You need two forms of ID. The primary ID needs to be a passport, driving license or a nationality card with a photo, your name as it appears on your government documents and in date. No expired documents will be accepted on the exam date unless otherwise approved by the examinations team. The second ID that needs to be provided needs to have the exact same name as the primary ID and a signature.
Please email examinations@rcpsych.ac.uk within three days of the exam with details of your complaint, we will then investigate the matter and discuss any issues with the Examinations Sub Committee.
Please contact the examinations teams via examinations@rcpsych.ac.uk.
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