
Am I eligible?

This page will help you decide whether you are able to take our exams. 

The MRCPsych Examinations can be taken by:

  • Doctors in an approved training programme
  • Doctors in the UK who are not in an approved training programme
  • Doctors from the EU who are working or have worked Overseas
  • Non-EU doctors who are working or have worked Overseas

A UK psychiatrist's journey

This diagram illustrates the typical training timeline of a UK psychiatrist from Foundation years through to being a Consultant.

The MRCPsych Paper A Examination can be taken from FY2 but does not count towards eligibility requirements for Paper B or the CASC. Candidates will progress through the MRCPsych Examination from CT1 – CT3 where they go onto specialty training, obtain their CCT and then become a Consultant.

A trainee's journey to becoming a consultant psychiatrist

You are eligible to take Paper A if you are a fully registered medical practitioner.

You are eligible to take Paper B if:

  • you’re on an approved training programme. We recommend you have 12 months’ experience in psychiatry before attempting Paper B.

  • you are in a post recognised by your hospital or trust as having contracted time and funding for educational training. Your job plan must include dedicated time for academic and educational activities such as attending journal clubs, grand rounds, attending an MRCPsych course of equivalent, study leave and weekly educational supervision.

You are eligible to take CASC if:

  1. You have 23 months’ whole time equivalent post foundation / internship experience in psychiatry.


  2. A pass in Papers A and B, OR you comply with transitional arrangements 


  3. You have sponsorship in place, and can demonstrate one of the following:
    1. If your post is within a programme of approved training, you have successfully completed the Annual Review of Competence Progression by the time you apply for CASC.
    2. for all other posts, you must have successfully completed an Assessment Portfolio, showing achievement of equivalent competencies to those defined in the ARCP, to include competencies in Psychotherapy AND Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, or Learning Disability.

For more detailed information about the eligibility criteria including sponsorship requirements, see the exams eligibility criteria and regulations.

Candidates are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct for Examination Candidates, which applies to all MRCPsych examinations. Non-compliance with the Code may lead to disqualification from the relevant examination.

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry