
Declaration of competing interests (President's lectures)

All speakers at College meetings are asked to declare any competing interests (otherwise known as conflicts of interest) that they might have relating to their presentations.

Presenters must declare any relevant interests relating to the previous 36 months and the next 12 months from the date of their presentation. Please submit a separate form for each of your presentations.

Please make sure you read and understand the College's Declaration of Competing Interests Policy before you complete the form.

Form for speakers to complete

Please note that the following questions relate to interests within the past 36 months and next 12 months and linked to the above presentation only.

In relation to this presentation, I declare that I have received the following from a company that may be perceived to win or lose from the content of my presentation:

In relation to this presentation, I declare that the information I have provided in this form is correct.

I agree to the College’s Declaration of Interests Policy and I agree to my declaration appearing on the website (link above).

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