Order mental health leaflets and resources
You can order our award-winning information as individual leaflets to give to patients, their families, carers, young people, children and anyone else who has an interest.
New ADHD in adults and Binge eating leaflets are available
Click the download button below to start a new order for these leaflets.
Place an order for mental health leaflets
Information about pricing, postage and more is on the order form.
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About our leaflets
Many healthcare services, local councils and a range of other organisations stock our leaflets, which can be co-branded if your organisation wishes.
Our leaflets contain information about mental health conditions, treatments and signpost further help, and are in plain English.
Our mental health leaflets are the only ones written by psychiatrists with input from patients. Several of the leaflets have been honoured in the BMA’s annual awards for patient information, and the College was recently certified by the Patient Information Forum's Quality Mark for Health Information in March 2023.
They are made from 100% recycled materials from responsible sources.
Ordering leaflets
The College can fulfil orders, whether you are ordering small quantities or in bulk. Please note you will need to either pay by credit card, or you can quote a purchase order number and we will send you an invoice.
If you do either of these things, we would aim to send you your leaflets within ten working days.