
Tackling racism in the workplace: guidance for employers

This section contains guidance for employers and other resources to help you tackle racism in the workplace, including a Maturity Matrix to measure progress against the 15 actions contained in the guidance. The guidance was developed with Medical Directors, the NHS Race and Health Observatory, and the expertise of a working group.

Guidance, Maturity matrix and Progress report

Tackling racism in the workplace contains 15 actions which will help your organisation address racism at a strategic and a systemic level. 

Download the Tackling racism in the workplace guidance below: it explains why action is needed, the actions you need to take and how, and provides case studies to bring the actions to life.

This Act Against Racism web hub also contains extra content to support you, including further case studies.

We're calling on employers to read the guidance, and sign up to adopt the guidance and implement the 15 actions.

Use our Maturity Matrix to assess where your organisation is against the six domains and the Progress report to note improvements.

Dr Adrian James and Dr Lade Smith CBE discuss the Tackling racism in the workplace guidance

Why the guidance matters

RCPsych President 2020-2023 Dr Adrian James discusses why the guidance is so important, with the College's President 2023-26, Dr Lade Smith CBE.