
Grades of membership

There are eight grades of membership available at the College to join, depending on your qualifications, experience and location.

Student Associate

If you're a medical student keen to learn more about a career in psychiatry, you can join us for free.

Why join?

  • Network: You'll be invited to free events designed for medical students, and get discounted rates to the College's International Congress, the biggest psychiatry event in the UK attended by psychiatrists worldwide.
  • Learn: You get free electronic subscription to some fantastic magazines (, , and ) and a 10% discount on all other RCPsych publications.
  • Stay up to date: You'll receive regular e-newsletters from the College, aimed at student associates. You'll also receive copies of the biannual associate magazine, FuturePsych.
  • Practice: Get free access to Trainees Online (TrOn), our online training module.
  • Good value: It's free to all UK medical students.

Foundation Doctor Associate

Similar to our Student Associate membership, this grade is free for Foundation Doctors who are interested in training to become a psychiatrist. 

Why join?

  • Network: You’ll be invited to free events designed for foundation doctors, and get discounted rates to the College’s International Congress, the biggest psychiatry event in the UK attended by psychiatrists worldwide.
  • Learn: You get free electronic subscription to some fantastic magazines (, , and ) and a 10% discount on all other RCPsych publications.
  • Stay up to date: You’ll receive an e-newsletter from the College, aimed at foundation doctor associates. You'll also receive copies of the biannual associate magazine, FuturePsych.
  • Practice: Get free access to , our online training modules.
  • Good value: It’s free to all UK foundation doctors.

Pre-Membership Psychiatric Trainee 

Psychiatry trainees from both the UK and overseas can join us as a Pre-Membership Psychiatric Trainee (PMPT).

 If you are based in the UK, please register using the Register button. If you are based overseas please complete and return the word document.

UK-based doctors

All trainees are required to be registered with the College as set out in the ''.

You can register as a Pre-Membership Psychiatric Trainee if you are in the following posts:

  • CT1-3
  • ST1-3
  • LAT psychiatry rotation intending to train for the MRCPsych (Membership) Examination.

The PMPT grade entitles trainees to access Portfolio Online and .

From 2025 we have introduced a Reduced Rate for UK based PMPTs working less than full time (LTFT). Please complete the PMPT - Reduced Rate Form and email to membership@rcpsych.ac.uk, before making a payment for your subscription fee.

Find out more details about Pre-Membership Psychiatric Trainee.

Overseas-based doctors

For doctors based overseas, please complete the registration form below and email to membership@rcpsych.ac.uk.

*A list of eligible countries for the reduced rate can be found at the bottom of this form. If you are eligible, please complete the form and email it back with your completed registration form.

We will process your application and send a confirmation email within 5 working days, which will include fees for your country banding.

Once you have received confirmation, you can call +44 (0)20 8618 4100 to pay your subscription fee and complete registration.


Affiliateship of the College is open to registered psychiatrists working in the United Kingdom who:

  • do not hold the MRCPsych qualification
  • do not hold specialist registration
  • are not in an approved training post, substantive consultant post or honorary consultant post
  • have support from two sponsors who are subscribing Members, Fellows or Specialist Associate of the 免费黑料网.

To register from 1 January 2025 the fees are ?657; this comprises a ?216 one-off registration fee and ?441 for the 2025 annual subscription fee. We have quarterly payment points and the subscription fee will be pro-rated at these points (1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October). 

To start an application to register as an Affiliate, please complete the registration form online. You will receive a confirmation email with a CV and Citation form attached to be completed and returned to membership@rcpsych.ac.uk. Once they have been processed you will receive an email to approve your Affiliate application and the process to make payment.

Please send the completed CV and Citation forms to membership@rcpsych.ac.uk.

If your gross professional income for 2025 is likely to be below ?56,000 then please complete and email back a reduced rate application form.

Specialist Associate

Specialist Associateship of the College is open to registered medical practitioners working in the United Kingdom who have:

  • at least five years experience in psychiatry
  • specialist training which has been assessed in the United Kingdom as being at least equivalent to a full programme of specialist training in psychiatry in the United Kingdom
  • been registered on the GMC Specialist Register
  • support from two sponsors who are subscribing Members or Fellows of the 免费黑料网.

To register from 1 January 2025 the fees are ?769; this comprises ?216 for a one-off registration fee and ?553 for the 2025 annual subscription fee. We have quarterly payment points and the subscription fee will be pro-rated at these points (1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October). 

To start an application to register as a Specialist Associate, please complete the registration form online. You will receive a confirmation email with a CV and Citation form attached to be completed and returned to membership@rcpsych.ac.uk. Once they have been processed you will receive an email to approve your Specialist Associate application and the process to make payment.

Please send the complete CV and Citation forms to membership@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Please find information and application forms below.

If your gross professional income for 2025 is likely to be below ?56,000 then please complete and email back a reduced rate application form.

International Associate

The International Associate grade is open to psychiatrists with five years’ experience and/or training in psychiatry who do not hold the MRCPsych, but who hold a specialist qualification in psychiatry and who reside outside the UK. Find out more about the benefits of International Associateship.

How much does it cost each year?

Fees are banded according to World Bank classifications.

International AssociatesStandard rate 2024
Band A?295
Band B?229
Band C?171
Band D?114

How do I join?

Download and complete the CV and Registration forms below and email to  membership@rcpsych.ac.uk. Also provide copies of your medical degree certificate and psychiatric qualification.

You will need to include copies of your certificates of medical qualification and psychiatric qualification, with certified translations if not in English. We must have copies of these documents to process your application.

Email the above forms and documents to membership@rcpsych.ac.uk.

What happens next?

Your application will be looked over by our team and if successful will be approved by two College Officers. You will then receive an email with the decision and information on how to pay the fee.

Any queries?

For further information on International Associateship please email membership@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Mental Health Associate

The Mental Health Associate grade is open to non-medically qualified members of a profession closely allied to psychiatry.

There is a maximum of ten new Mental Health Associates who can join the College each year.

You will need to have two Members, Fellows or Specialist Associates of the 免费黑料网 who support your application. We cannot suggest any members for the citation, they must already be known to you.

Registration Form - Mental Health Associate

To register from 1 January 2025 the fees are ?200. We have quarterly payment points and the subscription fee will be pro-rated at these points (1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October).

To register as a Mental Health Associate, please complete the three forms listed below and email them to membership@rcpsych.ac.uk.

The citation form must be completed on your behalf by two current Members, Fellows or Specialist Associates.


The normal route to Membership of the College requires 24 months post foundation/internship experience in psychiatry and a pass in all components of the MRCPsych exams. Full details of Membership are sent to successful candidates.


We award Fellowship as a mark of distinction and recognition of contributions to psychiatry. You are eligible if you have been a Member for 10 years or more and can demonstrate significant contributions to the core purposes of the College.

Fellowship is open to both UK and Overseas Members, but unfortunately Affiliates and Associates cannot apply. If successful, our Fellows can use the title FRCPsych once they have paid the prescribed registration fee.

For further details on eligibility and how to apply, visit our Fellowship and other Honours page.

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry