NCCMH publications
Below you can find links to all NCCMH publications from 2016 to the present, in alphabetical order.
We've listed all NCCMH publications, for quick access, along with the publication year and the organisation/s we collaborated with or were commissioned by for each project.
NICE clinical mental health guidance (which we developed in 2001-16) and international mental health guidance can be found here.
- Access and Waiting Time Standard for Children and Young People with an Eating Disorder (2015) with NHS England
- Achieving Better Access to 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Mental Health Care – Part 2: Implementing the Evidence-based Treatment Pathway for Urgent and Emergency Liaison Mental Health Services for Adults and Older Adults (2016) with NHS England
- (2019) with NHS England
- Advancing Mental Health Equality Quality Improvement Collaborative Evaluation Snapshot 1, July 2021 – November 2022 (2023)
- Advancing Mental Health Equality Quality Improvement Collaborative Evaluation Snapshot 2 December 2022 – May 2023 (2024)
- Advancing Mental Health Equality: Steps and Guidance on Commissioning and Delivering Equality in Mental Health Care (2019) with NHS England
- All Age Crisis Care: Improving the Quality of Care in England (2016) with NHS England
- (2023) in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
- Clinical Effectiveness and Patient Perspectives of Different Treatment Strategies in Tourette's Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Analysis (2016) with NIHR
- The Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults (2021) with NHS England
- A Competence Framework for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy (2020) with HEE
- The Competence Framework for Mental Health Peer Support Workers (2020) with UCLPartners
- The Competence Framework for Physician Associates in Mental Health (2022) with RCPsych
- The Competence Framework for Social Prescribing Practitioners in Wales (2023) with HEIW
- Delivering Greener, More Sustainable and Net Zero Mental Health Care (2023) with RCPsych
- Delivering Inpatient Children and Young People’s Mental Health Care: A Multidisciplinary Competence Framework (2021) with HEE
- The Dementia Care Pathway (2018) with NHS England
- Enjoying Work Quality Improvement Collaborative Resource: A Step-by-step Guide to Improving Staff Enjoyment of Work (2024)
- E-therapies Systematic Review for Young People with Mental Health Problems (2014) with MindEd
- Ethnic Inequalities in the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Programme: A Policy Review (2023) with NHS RHO
- Evaluation of NHS Early Implementer Sites: Tobacco Dependency Community-based Services for People with Severe Mental Illness (2024) with NHS England
- Evaluation of the Safety in Mental Health Settings (SiMHS) Training Programme (2023) with Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and Cavendish Square Group
- Evidence Review – Surge Planning for Mental Health (2021)
- A Happy, Healthy Workplace: Workplace Wellbeing, Recruitment and Retention in Mental Health Services (2019) with PPiMH
- IAPT Pathway for People with Long-term Physical Health Conditions and Medically Unexplained Symptoms (2018) with NHS England
- IAPT-LTC Early Implementers Programme: Report on the Implementation and Process Evaluation of Wave 1 Early Implementer Sites (2018) with UCL
- Implementing the Early Intervention in Psychosis Access and Waiting Time Standard (2016) with NHS England
- Increasing Physical Activity in Psychological Treatment: An Evaluation of the Impact on Treatment Outcomes for Anxiety and Depression (2024) with Sport England
- Individual Placement and Support: Competence Framework and Curriculum (2019) with IPS Grow and UCL
- Induced Abortion and Mental Health: A Systematic Review of the Mental Health Outcomes of Induced Abortion, Including their Prevalence and Associated Factors (2011) with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
- Meeting the Needs of Young Adults within Models of Mental Health Care (2022) with NHS England
- NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression Manual (2018, last updated 2024) with NHS England
- Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for People with Severe Mental Illness in Community Mental Health Settings: Implementation Guidance (2023)
- The Perinatal Care Pathways (2018) with NHS England
- Self-harm and Suicide Competence Framework: Adults and Older Adults (2018) with HEE
- Self-harm and Suicide Competence Framework: Children and Young People (2018) with HEE
- Self-harm and Suicide Competence Framework: Community and Public Health (2018) with HEE
- Standards for Adult Secondary Mental Health Services in Scotland: Consensus Conference Summary (2022) with RCPsychIS
- Standards for Adult Secondary Mental Health Services in Scotland: Workforce and Leadership Engagement Events and Survey Report (2022) with RCPsychIS
- Working Well Together: Evidence and Tools to Enable Co-production in Mental Health Commissioning (2019) with NHS England
These publications are also available on our web pages, organised by document type, including under reviews, evaluations and reports, service design and development, competence frameworks and QI programmes and elsewhere.
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