
Employer Hub

Welcome to our employer hub. This page provides you with access to all relevant College information and processes.

If you need further information, please contact psychiatrytraining@rcpsych.ac.uk.

If you have appointed new TPDs or MRCPsych course organisers, please contact psychiatrytraining@rcpsych.ac.uk with their name, title and email address.

If you have appointed a new College Tutor, please complete our . Once completed, you will be required to send a letter of appointment from your Head of School, Trust or Postgraduate Deanery/LETB to psychiatrytraining@rcpsych.ac.uk.

If you need a new completion of training date calculated for one of your trainees, please use our completion of training date calculator.

Although the College is no longer required to review all new location/post requests, we may at times need to review whether a location is appropriate and able to meet the needs of the curricula. Where an application for a new programme is required, support from the College will need to be sought.

You can request support for either a new post or programme by  . Please complete the form as fully as possible.

We will endeavour to review your request within 20 working days of receipt. Please ensure that requests for support for new post or programme applications are sent in advance to allow for processing time. Further information about the process can be viewed on the  .

We will shortly be providing guidance on supporting evidence that will need to be sent through to the College.

If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact us at  psychiatrytraining@rcpsych.ac.uk, or on 0208 618 4170.

RCPsych has developed guidance on the recognition and approval of trainers, which will sit within the Psychiatry Silver Guide. The aim of this guidance is to enable employers and education providers across the UK to ensure a standardised approach to supervision and training, and to ensure that curricula requirements can be delivered and met.

Dr Krishna Kumar, a SAS clinical supervisor has provided feedback on their experiences of supervision:  

"Engaging in clinical supervision isn’t just about imparting knowledge. It’s a reciprocal process that enriches both me as a supervisor and the trainees. I have enjoyed providing clinical supervision to both GP and FY trainees over the years. I look forward to meeting with them each week and try to guide them in a therapeutic direction they might not have in their previous placements. I have had the opportunity to work with some fantastic junior doctors.

"Dr James Miller, Foundation Year & GP/FY Tutor has been very supportive. I had attended a meeting with GPVTS local lead last year who agreed to increase the number of GP trainees to West Norfolk Psychiatry placement. Sarah Bickell our local medical staffing administrator provides excellent admin support to me and also to the trainees. It was difficult to provide adequate supervision to part time GP trainees who take part in our local on call rota."

Under the new psychiatry curricula (2022) there is no mandatory time requirement for trainees to meet within psychiatry training which opens the possibility for fast-tracking trainees who are performing above their expected level.

The Specialist Advisor for Quality Assurance and RCPsych Dean have coordinated a comprehensive system to ensure that those trainees who meet the requirements to be fast-tracked are able to do so but also ensure that the standard and quality of consultant psychiatrists are not impacted.

It is still expected that most trainees will require the full 36 months of Core/Higher training with only exceptional trainees being considered for fast-tracking.

This guidance is currently being reviewed and updated by the Flexibility in Training Working Group and will be published here when available.

In the meantime, if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at psychiatrytraining@rcpsych.ac.uk.

The College has published guidance for NHS training organisations on working in collaboration with people with lived experience to deliver psychiatric education, written by the Patient and Carers in Training Working Group.

The Reasonable Adjustments for Trainees form may be used as a template to guide discussion between a trainee and their clinical supervisor, with support from the TPD. The form provides some examples of reasonable adjustments and distinguishes between recommendations based on who they have been made by and who they will require approval from. 
Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry