
Processes for producing College publications, consultations, surveys and endorsements

Supporting members

A core function of the Policy and Campaigns Team is to support members in developing College policy documents. Our framework, 'Publishing College reports and position statements' provides:

  • advice on the process for doing so through the Policy and Public Affairs Committee and its Editorial Board
  • how to ensure new policy is developed in line with the College’s strategic priorities
  • what support you should expect from us.

If you are considering developing a policy report, you will need to complete this form:

Consultations, endorsements and surveys

The College also regularly responds to stakeholder consultations and receives requests to circulate surveys and to endorse external publications. The following documents provide guidance on the processes involved in ensuring this is done strategically:

If you have any questions or want to submit a proposal for a College Report or Position Statement, please contact the College’s Policy and Standards Manager, Tommy Denning at thomas.denning@rcpsych.ac.uk.

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