
About NCCMH and our work

The NCCMH is a collaboration between the 免费黑料网 and University College London.

We review the evidence and co-produce guidance, standards, workforce competences and quality improvement initiatives to enable the delivery of high-quality, equitable mental health care.

Founded in 2001 by Tim Kendall and Steve Pilling, the NCCMH developed 36 NICE mental health guidelines. Since 2016, the NCCMH has continued to develop evidence-based guidance, as well as evaluations, workforce competences and reviews, to support the delivery of high-quality mental health care.

In 2018, we were commissioned by NHS England to run quality improvement collaboratives as part of the Mental Health Safety Improvement Programme. We have also delivered several subscription-based QI collaboratives. From 2024, we have partnered with Black Thrive Global, the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health, and Neurodiverse Connection to run the Culture of Care programme as part of NHS England’s quality transformation programme.

At the NCCMH, we care about people’s mental health and wellbeing. We believe everyone should have equal access to high-quality mental health care, with a platform to voice their needs, at home and work or in education, and in hospital and the community.

To help make this happen, we work with others at a local, national and international level, supporting the improvement of mental health services and redressing mental health inequalities.

We work with stakeholders, including clinicians, people with lived experience and other experts in their field, to deliver products and services including:

We're led by Clinical and Strategic Directors and  from the College, and Academic and Strategic Director  from University College London.

The work is overseen on a day-to-day basis by Tom Ayers (Director), Emily Cannon (Head of Quality Improvement), Sal Smith (Head of Quality Improvement and Co-production), and Dr Clare Taylor (Head of Quality and Research Development). The rest of the team is composed of researchers, quality improvement coaches, project managers, an editor and a designer.

Our research team brings together experts, including people with lived experience, to review the evidence and develop guidance, reports, competence frameworks and reviews. Services, commissioners and others working in health and social care then use them to raise the standards of mental health care on a local, national and international level. 

Our QI team work with mental health teams, inpatient services and across the wider community, to improve how they function and operate. 

We have an NCCMH Equality Advisory Group (EAG), a standing committee of people from a diverse range of backgrounds with lived and learned experiences of mental health services in the UK. The EAG supports the NCCMH to adhere to its commitment to actively advance equality and co-production. The group meets regularly to discuss NCCMH projects from a co-production and equalities perspective.

All our work is underpinned by our commitment to co-production (working collaboratively with people, without hierarchy) and reducing inequalities in mental health care. 

By being open to improvements and individual requests, the NCCMH have made the process of co-production more inclusive while being aware that more can be done. – Steph de la Haye, Expert by experience; Chair and Founder at Survivors of Depression In Transition; Service User Governor – Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

Gbenga AdedejiQuality Improvement Coach
Aarti AgrwalQuality Improvement Coach
Saiqa Akhtar Senior Quality Improvement Advisor
Fran AndrewProjects and Events Administrator
Dr Laura-Louise Arundell Lead Researcher and Developer
Tom Ayers Director of NCCMH
Josh BaileyQuality Improvement Coach
Adele de Bono Senior Quality Improvement Advisor
Emily Cannon Head of Quality Improvement
Delicha ChangaQuality Improvement Coach
Caitlin CockroftQuality Improvement Coach
Ella DobsonProject Manager
Nuala Ernest Senior Editor
Liah El-FadelQuality Improvement Coach
Clementine Fitch Bunce Quality Improvement Coach
Aarti Gandesha Senior Quality Improvement Advisor
Eva Gautam-Aiken Senior Programme Manager
Helen Greenwood Research and Design Officer
Rianna HerbertQuality Improvement Coach
Ruby JamesProject Manager
Sonia JonesExecutive Assistant to the Director and Heads of NCCMH
Prof. Tim Kendall International Clinical and Strategic Director of NCCMH; National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England; Visiting Professor, University College London; Medical Director and Consultant Psychiatrist for the homeless, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
Erika KouzoukasProject Manager
Hannah LautchQuality Improvement Coach
Rachel McGowanQuality Improvement Coach
Megan McKeeQuality Improvement Coach
Dr Matthew Milarski Head of Quality Improvement
Prof. Steve Pilling Academic and Strategic Director of NCCMH; Professor of Clinical Psychology & Clinical Effectiveness, Clinical, Education & Health Psychology, University College London
Joanna Popis Project Manager
Prof. Russell RazzaqueClinical and Strategic Director of NCCMH; Consultant Psychiatrist; Clinical Director and Director of Research & Development, Community Mental Health Transformation, North East London NHS Foundation Trust; Visiting Professor, London South Bank University; Presidential Lead for Compassionate & Relational Care, RCPsych
Anna RoachQuality Improvement Coach
Alan RobertsResearch Fellow
Niamh RobertsQuality Improvement Coach
Ami SaitoQuality Improvement Data Analyst
Sal SmithHead of Lived Experience and Co-production
Dr Jean Strelitz Senior Researcher
Dr Clare Taylor Head of Quality Assurance and Business Development
Jaz SeehraQuality Improvement Coach
Renata Souza Senior Quality Improvement Advisor
Ros Warby Senior Quality Improvement Advisor
Bethan WarnerQuality Improvement Coach
Dr Megan WatkinsSenior Researcher
Hazel Webb Culture of Care Programme Manager
Juliette Westbrook Research Assistant

The NCCMH management board meet quarterly to oversee the NCCMH on behalf of the College.

Tom Ayers | Director, NCCMH

Emily Cannon | Head of Quality Improvement, NCCMH

Harriet Clarke | Head of Quality and Accreditation, CCQI

John Crichton | Treasurer, 免费黑料网

Subodh Dave | Dean, 免费黑料网

Mary Jane Docherty | Quality Networks – Clinical and Strategic Director, CCQI

Peter Fonagy | Chief Executive Officer, Anna Freud Centre

Tim Kendall | International Clinical and Strategic Director, NCCMH

Hannah Lucas-Motley | Head of Quality and Accreditation, CCQI

Steve Pilling | Academic and Strategic Director, NCCMH

Alan Quirk | Head of Clinical Audit and Research, CCQI

Russell Razzaque | Clinical and Strategic Director, NCCMH

Trudi Seneviratne | Registrar, 免费黑料网

Lade Smith (Chair) | President, 免费黑料网

Clare Taylor | Head of Quality and Research Development, NCCMH

Peter Thompson | Director, CCQI

Sonia Walter | Chief Executive Officer, 免费黑料网

Our latest work

Increasing physical activity

Our new report for Sport England, evaluating the impact on treatment outcomes for anxiety and depression.

AMHE Evaluation Snapshot 2

Evaluation snapshot report, of Waves 1 & 2 of the Advancing Mental Health Equity QI Collaborative.

Social prescribers in Wales

The competence framework for social prescribers in Wales has been published.

Enjoying Work resource

Step-by-step guide from the Enjoying Work QI Collaborative, for improving staff enjoyment at work.

NHS Talking Therapies Manual

The NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression Manual has been updated (version 7).

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