
Nominations for Honorary Fellowship

Find out how to nominate someone for Honorary Fellowship. 

The College can elect anyone as an Honorary Fellow, they can be any person who:

  • is eminent in psychiatry or any connected sciences/disciplines, or
  • has given distinguished service to humanity in relation to the study, prevention or treatment of mental illness, or
  • has rendered notable service to the College or to the Association. 

The College elects up to five Honorary Fellows each year and there can't be more than 150 Honorary Fellows in total at any time.

The Nominations Committee meets each year in the autumn to consider Honorary Fellowship nominations.

How to nominate

If you'd like to nominate someone for Honorary Fellowship, please complete the nomination form and return it to MembershipServices@rcpsych.ac.uk by 15 September.

Six Members have to support each nomination, they all need to be subscribing members of the College and can't support more than one candidate in each year.

You also need to complete a citation and CV on behalf of your nominee.

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