
Allies: information and signposting

An ally is someone who champions underrepresented groups. They bring their backing and voice to a movement towards equality for all. If you want to be an effective ally to those experiencing racism and/or intersectional discrimination in the workplace, we encourage you to follow the recommendations below.

The NHS also provides a for aspiring allies.

Action you can take

Improve your understanding of racism in the workplace. Use your understanding to help identify and support colleagues experiencing racism.

You can do this by familiarising yourself with the role of employers as well as the support and processes available to those experiencing racism.

Reading the Tackling racism in the workplace guidance and other content on this Act Against Racism web hub will help.

The 7 As of Authentic Allyship

Do you have the appetite to immerse yourself in the complex, emotive world of race equality?

Ask questions about race, be curious, read, learn and educate yourself.
Accept there really is a problem. More data isn't needed.
Openly acknowledge that the problem needs to be dealt with.
Express sympathy that racism is affecting people of certain races.
Don't - instead, develop informed views by seeking to understand individuals.
Take demonstrable steps to establish equality and be accountable.

The 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention

This will help to interrupt the incident of harassment. It might including ignoring the harasser and engaging directly with the person being harassed about something unrelated.
Delegation is asking a third party for help with intervening in harassment. A delegate could be someone close by who seems willing to help. It is important to explain clearly to the delegate what you are witnessing and how you'd like to help the person being harassed.

Documentation involves either recording or taking notes of harassment. 

It is important to do this safely and responsibly. Assess the situation and only make your record if the person being harassed is already receiving help and you are safe.

You should always ask the person who was harassed what they want you to do with the documentation. Never share or use it without their permission

Many types of harassment happen quickly, meaning it is not always possible to intervene in the moment. You can still make a difference by checking if the person who has been harassed is okay after the incident has taken place.

In some cases, a bystander may want to respond directly to harassment, naming the incident and confronting the harasser.

This is a tactic which should be used with caution.

There is a risk that direct intervention could escalate the situation - for instance - the harasser may redirect their abuse to the bystander intervening.

It is therefore important to assess if everyone is physically safe, if escalation is unlikely and if you think the person being harassed wants someone to speak up.

If yes is the answer to all of these questions you might choose a direct response. It is important to keep a direct response short and succinct, focusing on assisting the person being harmed.

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