
Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry

“Rehabilitation psychiatry is a whole systems approach to recovery from mental illness that maximises an individual’s quality of life and social inclusion by encouraging their skills, promoting independence and autonomy in order to give them hope for the future and leading to successful community living through appropriate support.”

Killaspy et al, 2005

Notice of election 2025

There will be vacancies on the Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry Executive Committee in 2025 for a Chair, Vice-Chair, Financial Officer and eight Executive Committee Members.  All the information you need to stand for election is on the Faculty elections webpage including access to an online nomination form. The deadline for nominations is noon on 17 January 2025.
Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry

Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry Conference 2024

Register now for the in-person event taking place from 20 to 21 November.

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