
How can I help?

Here are ten ways trainee and consultant psychiatrists can help us to promote psychiatry as a career.

Make yourself aware of the Student Associate grade and promote it to your students.
Support your local medical school’s Psychiatry Society - offer to speak or help them find speakers.
Consider supporting your PTC (Psychiatric Trainee Committee) reps to start a Buddy Scheme in your area if none exist. The PTC has guidance on the setting up and running of buddy schemes and will be able to identify trainees happy to take part.
Consider providing workplace based experience for school students. The College position statement on providing work experience placements is available as a PDF.
Consider running a Psychiatry Student Selected Module. Speak to your local medical school about how to do this.

Support the development of a Summer or Autumn school for sixth formers.

You can read about Summer and Autumn Schools or contact your local division or speak to your medical school about setting up a new school.

Be a Foundation trainer or even provide a Taster. See the guide to good practice in the Foundation programme.

Encourage Foundation doctors to continue to engage with the College and promote the Foundation Associate grade and Foundation webpages. 
Remember that 'every moment counts' in nurturing future psychiatrists, whether they are school students, medical students or Foundation doctors.
Potential students, students and trainees benefit from hearing about real psychiatrists’ career journeys. Talk about your experience in real life or on social media. If this is appealing but you’re not sure how to, contact careers@rcpsych.ac.uk.
Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry