
Violence and aggression towards psychiatrists survey

Your voice matters – help us tackle workplace violence and aggression faced by psychiatrists. 

The College's Violence and Aggression against Psychiatrists Sub-Working Group has been established under the Wellbeing Committee. It's undertaking to learn more about the experiences of violence and aggression faced by psychiatrists in their work.

The survey will explore how psychiatrists across all grades and specialties encounter workplace violence, how it affects them, and what types of support could be most effective in addressing these challenges. 

Workplace violence and aggression have significant impacts on wellbeing, safety, and the overall professional experience of psychiatrists. We need your input to develop a clearer understanding of these incidents and to advocate for the kinds of training, information, and resources that can make a real difference.

The survey is designed to help us gather data on the personal and professional effects of these events, enabling the College to identify meaningful ways to enhance safety and support mechanisms for psychiatrists across the UK. 

Please also see the accompanying participation information sheet.

Importance of survey

By filling out this survey, you will be contributing to a vital body of knowledge that will not only inform the College’s efforts to improve psychiatrists’ safety but also shape future wellbeing initiatives. Your responses will directly influence how we address workplace violence, helping to create an environment where psychiatrists feel more supported and secure.

The findings from this survey may also be shared through publication in an academic journal, allowing your experiences to contribute to broader efforts within the field to promote safety and mental wellbeing for all professionals.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and your participation will help us strengthen our commitment to a safer, more supportive workplace for all psychiatrists. Your perspective is essential to driving these much-needed changes.

If you need support

We recognise that filling out a survey of this nature may bring up difficult feelings when recounting on sensitive experiences. If at any point you need support, please contact the Psychiatrists Support Service by phoning 020 8618 4020 or emailing pss@rcpsych.ac.uk.

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